
This is the Chunichi Dragons scenario, “Veteran Qualifications”. There are scenarios for each of the eleven other NPB teams, plus the futures scenario, and the infinite scenario.

Disclaimer #

This work is a fictional work and is in no way related to any real individuals, organizations, or incidents.

Story #

  1. オレは高卒プロ入り 3 年目の野球選手。高校時代は甲子園に出た事もあるんだぜ。まあ、初戦で負けてしまったけどね。
    I’m a baseball player in my third year after graduating from high school. I played at Koshien in high school. Well, I lost in the first game though.

2. そうこうあって、ドラフトは 1 位ではなかったけど期待の高卒ル ー キ ー として、プロ入り。だけど 1 軍に上がる機会がなく 3 年が過ぎた。
So I wasn’t the first pick in the draft, but I went pro as a promising high school rookie. But three years have passed without me getting a chance to play in the first team.

3. そして 4 年目を迎えたある日、2 軍監督から呼び出された。
Then one day in my fourth year, I was called by the second team manager.

4. 「プロ入りして、丸 3 年か・・・今年、来年で結果を出せないようじゃ、プロとしてはキビしいんじゃないのか?」
Manager: “It’s been three full years since you went pro… If you don’t get results this year or next year, maybe it’ll be time to hang 'em up?”

5. 「え! それって。。。」
Me: “What! That means…”

6. 「戦力外通告、つまりクビじゃ!それがイヤなら、 2 年以内に結果を出すことだな」
Manager: “You’ll be released, which means you’ll be fired! If you don’t want that, you’ll have to get results within two years.”

7. 子供のころから憧れて野球一筋で今までやってきたんだ。あと 2 年のうちに必ず結果を出して残留。。。
I’ve dreamed of playing baseball since I was a child, and I’ve been doing it all my life. I’ll definitely get results in the next two years and stay in the team…

8. いや、ミスタ ー ドラゴンズと呼ばれる選手になってやるぜ!
No, I’m going to become a player known as Mr. Dragon!

9. こうしてオレのプロ野球人生が再スタ ー トした!
And so my professional baseball career has restarted!